Training For Real-World Application
Posted by Tulster on Mar 12th 2025
Owning a firearm is a significant responsibility. Carrying one every single day requires a much deeper understanding and preparation than the average hobbyist. The importance of real training for concealed carry cannot be overstated. Proper training doesn’t just teach you how to shoot—it prepares you to handle a firearm safely and effectively in real-world situations. This is why we highly recommend dry firing to get in safe and efficient reps wherever you are at.
When you carry a concealed weapon, safety is paramount. Without proper training, even a small mistake can lead to catastrophic consequences. Real training teaches you the fundamentals of gun safety, including how to properly load, unload, and handle a firearm. Of course, always adhere to the fundamental firearm safety rules: Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, treat every gun like it's loaded, keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot, and be aware of your target and what’s beyond it
A great place to start is to perfect your draw. To get both comfortable and fast, start by practicing dry firing. All you will need is your Tulster Holster and concealed handgun. After ensuring your weapon is unloaded, you will practice drawing from concealment, forming a good grip, presenting to your target, and then pulling the trigger. After you can safely dry fire with consistency, you are ready for the range.
There are several scenarios where you may need to shoot multiple rounds into multiple targets. Say you are getting rushed by multiple attackers or there is more than one gunman opening fire on a crowd. It is important to drill down how to efficiently move through deadly threats.
Next up is building confidence to shoot while on the move. Taking smooth steps and firing rounds in between them is a great way to be accurate and fast. Always remember to move from heel to toe when moving forward and toe to heel when moving backward to prevent your muzzle from bouncing around.
If it can go bad, it probably will. Situations can occur where you are in a prolonged gun fight or maybe your magazine has a malfunction. The reality is that you should always be prepared for the unexpected. Having a fast reload could save your life and the lives of those around you.